Taco Salad


4 each Tortilla Wraps
1 425 gr Ground Turkey
15.00 Ml Everything Garlic Oil Split in half
7.5 Ml Everything Garlic
80 Ml White Onion Diced
160 Ml Salsa
60 Ml Vegan Cheese/ Optional Cheddar Cheese
1 Head Leaf Lettuce
30 Ml Taco Seasoning

Taco Seasoning
15 Ml Chili Powder
5 Ml Garlic Powder
5 Ml Onion Powder
2 Ml Dried Oregano
7.5 Ml Ground Paprika
7.5 Ml Ground Cumin
2.5 Ml Salt and Pepper


For the Taco Shells:

  1. Brush each Tortilla Shell with half of the Everything Garlic
  2. Place over a 6 oz Metal or Ramekin Bowl.
  3. Place tinfoil on top. This will help it keep it’s shape.
  4. Bake in a 350F oven for 10-15 minutes.

For the Meat mixture:

  1. Heat the remaining Everything Garlic Oil in a Fry Pan.
  2. Add the diced onion and saute until transparent.
  3. Add in the ground turkey
  4. cook until done or 165F.
  5. Add in the Taco Seasoning and cook until well Blended.
  6. Add in the Salsa ( Salsa can also be placed on the side. Your Preference).

Make the Salad:

  1. Break up the Leaf Lettuce and place evenly in each Taco Shell.
  2. Place 160 Ml of meat mixture on top of the lettuce
  3. top with the cheese.
  4. For garnish you can chop up 1 Green Onion and place evenly on each salad.

  • Prep Time

  • Additional Time

  • Cook Time

  • Total Time

  • Servings

  • Yield

    3 Portions

  • Portion